10.11.2004 15:27

Fedora Core 3

For english speaking and seeking ICH6 AHCI SATA on Dell Precision 370 with Fedora look at step 6 and on comment from covex - 06 Leden '05 - 20:05.

First instalation, better to say update of FC2 -> FC3.

Mám za sebou první update Fedora Core 2 na Fedora Core 3  a tak mi nezbývá než se podělit o první dojmy.

1.  Use and least 512MB of memory for install
Pokud nechcete přijít o spoustu času a rozum, neinstalujte/neupdateujte FC na počítači s 256MB RAM a méně. Viděl bych to tak na minimálně 512MB. Na těch 256 to trvalo cca 150minut.

2. There is a lot of updates available already
Už teď je mezi updaty skoro celé "nové" KDE, takže po instalaci vás čeká ještě stahování několika desítek MB. Na 256MB RAM se opět připravte na yumové utrpení a několik desítek minut instalace.

3. Use yum mirrors that know yum2 repositories!
Myslím, že se nám poněkud změnila konfigurace yumu, lépe řečeno umístění konfiguračních souborů a zřejmě i formát uložení informací v repozitářích. (Nemám v tom zatím jasno, faktem je, že pokus o připojení k neRH repozitáři my vyneslo:
http://blabla/pub/fedora/2/i386/os/repodata/repomd.xml: [Errno 4] IOError: HTTP Error 404: Not Found
Trying other mirror.
Cannot open/read repomd.xml file for repository: base
failure: repodata/repomd.xml from base: [Errno 256] No more mirrors to try

4. you need import keys to have rpm working
rpm --import /usr/share/rhn/RPM-GPG-KEY
rpm --import /usr/share/rhn/RPM-GPG-KEY-fedora
jinak už nic nenainstalujete.

5. Install compat libraries
Nezapomeňte si doinstalovay compat* knihovny, jinak vám ledacos z vašich oblíbených věcí nebude bez překompilovaní fungovat.

6. For SATA disks you have to rebuild initrd:
SATA disk v ATA compatibility modu je v kernel 2.6.9 jako /dev/sdaX. Instalace kernelu z baliku.rpm ovsem defaultne nevytvori spravny initrd image obsahujici moduly pro sata zarizeni. Vyresil jsem to takto:
mkinitrd -—preload=ata_piix -—preload=libata -—preload=scsi_mod -—preload=sr_mod -—preload=sd_mod \
/boot/initrd-2.6.9-1.681_FC3.img 2.6.9-1.681_FC3
Problems with fonts antialiasing on Dell LCD monitor 1905FP or 2001FP appears to be related to incorrect hinting of fonts from xfreetype.  I managed to get it working without "rgb noise" by this modification of /etc/fonts/local.conf:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE fontconfig SYSTEM "fonts.dtd">
<!-- /etc/fonts/local.conf file for local customizations -->
  Enable sub-pixel rendering
        <match target="font">
                <test qual="all" name="rgba">
                <edit name="rgba" mode="assign"><const>rgb</const></edit>
<!-- enable brg -->
    <match target="font">
            <edit name="rgba" mode="assign"><const>brg</const></edit>


means I enabled "brg" hinting.

Everything else seems to work for now...

Koukám koukám, gnome už vypadá v FC3 jako gnome.. tomu říkám pokrok!

covex - 12.11.2004 09:59

Nejnovejsi update ve FC2 na xorg-x11-6.7.0-10 a ekvivalentni xorg-x11-6.8.1-12.FC3.1 pro FC3 zpusobuje problemy se zapisem (ulozenim) xpm obrazku napr. z GIMPu.


covex - 29.11.2004 13:38

Bugfix verze xorg k predchozimu bugu uz je na svete.

covex - 06.12.2004 23:12

Ve FC3 jsem dnes narazil na nemale problemy co se grabovani a vypalovani CD tyce. Zatimco ve FC2 s kernelem 2.4 vsechno slapalo jako hodinky, v FC3 s 2.6.9 mi grip i k3b grabuji pouze jednorychlostne, xcdroast spatne parsuje vystup cdda2wav nicmene aspon grabuje aspon vicerychlostne.
Vsechny vypalovaci programy ktere se pusti pod jinym uzivatele nez root si stezuji na problemy s alokaci pameti pro buffer, nemoznost pouzit jakysi presnejsi timer apod. Cele je proste nejake divne…:(

covex - 06.12.2004 23:17

Za spatny inicializacni vtip povazuji i inicializaci udev ve FC3. Koukal jsem do spoustecich skriptu a zde se po spusteni udev zkousi modprobe vsech modulu jistych kategorii – tim se vytvori potrebna zarizeni, ovsem ta doba nez se to vyzkousi – zvlaste u distribucnich kernelu kde je modulu jak sr… – to je teda sila.
MMCH: se statickymi zarizenimi jsem nikdy moc problemy v linuxu nemel. Pravda, hotplug s nimi prilis idealne resen nebyl, ale zatim mi to stale prijde vyrazne lepsi nez udev..

covex - 06.12.2004 23:22

/usr/bin/cdrecord: Cannot allocate memory. WARNING: Cannot do mlockall(2).
/usr/bin/cdrecord: WARNING: This causes a high risk for buffer underruns.
/usr/bin/cdrecord: Operation not permitted. WARNING: Cannot set RR-scheduler
/usr/bin/cdrecord: Permission denied. WARNING: Cannot set priority using setpriority().
/usr/bin/cdrecord: WARNING: This causes a high risk for buffer underruns.

covex - 07.12.2004 09:46

Precision 370 with SATA Drives
The Linux kernel (ata_piix module) currently has no support for the Advanced Host Controller Interface (AHCI) available on the Intel ICH6R SATA controller for the Precision 370. The symptom of this problem will be that the OS installer will not find any SATA hard drives to partition, and will not be able to access the drives at all. To work around this issue until AHCI support is released, you must switch the controller mode from “AHCI” to “ATA” mode (aka legacy mode). Perform the following steps:

1. Reboot the system, enter the system BIOS setup by pressing F2 at the Dell splash screen.
2. From the BIOS menu, selct “Drives”, and then select “SATA Operation”.
3. Choose “RAID Autodetect/ATA”
4. Save your changes, and then reboot the system.


covex - 06.01.2005 20:05

FireGL V3100 to work with ATI driver from their pages you need to replace all strings “pci_find_class” with “pci_get_class” in agpgart_be.c file. Then recompile kernel module in /lib/modules/fglrx/build_mod using “sh make.sh” and in /lib/modules/fglrx then do “sh make_install.sh”.

covex - 22.02.2005 13:55

With ATI driver v. 8.10.19 from 16.2.2005 the “pci_find_class” issue is fixed, also module compiles without troubles for 2.4.x and 2.6.x kernels during rpm install.

covex - 04.03.2005 16:44

Device permitions are set according to first user logged into machine through pam_console module. If you can not get rid of owner of these devices, than probably for some reason /var/run/console.lock remained to set to previously logged in and already logged out user. Remove lock to allow next user to get devices permintions.

covex - 07.03.2005 11:30

With switch to kernel I noticed that it had changed ip_local_port_range default settings from 32768-61000 I had before to 1024-4999. I found somewhere that in past the range 1024-4999 was used on systems with less than 128MB of RAM. Now it seems its also used on systems with 256MB of RAM – this is what I have. It is very annoying as there are several problem with firewalls related to this. You can change this by ‘echo “32768 61000” > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_local_port_range’.

After latest update of foomatic my printing system gets completely messed up. None of my options to printer queues were working, only “default” printing was possible, but I was not able to set default queue. It helps to remove all printers and add them again.

12.4.05 Though.. it does not help at all.. I found that duplex was not working anymore, blank page got out every time I printed something. I reported a bug 151645 to http://bugzilla.redhat.com/

and the magic command is
/usr/sbin/printconf-backend —force-rebuild

at least duplex is working now!

Kernel panic – not syncing: drivers/block/cfq-iosched.c:1065 spin_is_locked on uninitialized spinlock e637381c (Not Tained)

kernel 2.6.11-1.14. It happens almost always on shutdown/reboot after some time machine is running. It also causes “strange” freezes while shuting down from gui as machine freezes without any message on the screen. It does not happen with some older kernels.

Hopefully fixed in 2.6.11-1.27.

covex - 15.03.2005 23:30

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